
- TSPC(Taiwan Specialty Pharma Corp.)is a professional pharmaceutical company whose mission is to introduce high quality and advanced medicines for the benefit of patients.
We have established a top class marketing & sales team, led by experienced managers with high profession standards. Our sales team manages all three channels: hospitals, GPs and drug stores, providing high quality services exceeding customer expectations.
TSPC specializes in the field of hematology, oncology, nephrology and medical nutrition with our strong commitment to the medical professionals. In cooperation with medical societies, we invited numerous well-known scholars and experts to visit Taiwan where we hold CME courses and lectures to facilitate both academic experience and the sharing of clinical experience.

- Our president, Milton Huang has been dedicated to the pharmaceutical industry for thirty years having previously worked with Pfizer and SB before becoming General president of Novartis Taiwan. He is also currently the honorary Chairman of TPMMA ( Taiwan Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management Association)in addition to leading TSPC.
Professional, passion, integrity and caring are the core values of our company. Wanting to play an important role as an enterprise the spirit of our company log contains science and humanity.
“Blue” stands for sky, showing the professional side: professionalism, clarity and transparency.
“Green” stands for land, showing the softer side: passion, caring, respect for life, humanity, health and growth.
The two elements together symbolize that “ ” is not only a company to deliver numbers (the professional side) but a company which takes care the people living with us and the earth supporting us (soft side).
We believe … We provide excellent products and professional services. We care for patients passionately whilst always acting with integrity.
We promote improved quality of life and hope to elevate the welfare of society.
